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Samsung 415 litres RT42HAUDEGL Double Door/FF Refrigerator Black Glass

by Samsung

ref no : 187136

Price :   Rs 50500

Retail Price = Rs 50500 and
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Samsung 415 litres RT42HAUDEGL Double Door/FF Refrigerator (Black Glass) - Overview


The Samsung 415 litres RT42HAUDEGL Double Door Frost Free Smart refrigerator is designed to offer you the freshest and healthiest experience. Its flaunts a black glass shaded cabinet with convenient handle which adds beauty to your kitchen and grabs every ones attention. It features energy-efficient technology, digital inverter compressor, moistfresh zone, easy slide, big guard, quick cooling mode, deodorizing filter, transparent door pockets, 4 star rating and much more that provides flexiblility to use.


The Samsung 415 litres RT42HAUDEGL Frost Free Smart refrigerator features high gloss easy clean black glass shaded door that is quiet easy to clean and has recess handle with which there is no protrusions to catch on clothing or other objects. The transparent interiors of this refrigerator renders a clean and fresh look. Its toughened glass shelves is designed to hold heavy utensils without damage to the glass and also allows you to lower or raise the shelves for more efficient storage and convinience. So, store your heavy watermelon in the fridge without worring about heavy loading and damage to your fridge. It also has high-efficiency LED light that illuminates interior of the refridgerator more brightly.


The Samsung 415 litres RT42HAUDEGL Frost Free Smart refrigerator ensures durability and long lasting performance with its energy efficient technology and comes with 10-year compressor warranty. The digital inverter compressor intelligently varies its power and running speed (as a variable) as per the immediate cooling requirement of the compressor. It significantly increases the overall efficiency. Compared to the traditional single speed compressor, the digital inverter compressor can run at a number of desired speeds, depending on how the refrigerator is being used by the consumer. This provides options for quick pull down or freezing, or to run at a very low speed once the cabinet is at a steady state, thereby significantly reducing energy consumption by 40%. It monitors temperature levels, making adjustments to its RPM speed therefore it significantly reduces noise and also leads to decrease in Green house emissions. The Moist Fresh Zone works to control air circulation to maintain optimal humidity, creating an ideal environment to store fresh vegetables and fruit for a longer period of time. A tight seal prevents moisture from escaping when humidity levels are low and a vent releases excess moisture when humidity levels are too high. The Easy Slide Shelf is specially designed for effortless food storage and removal, as it slides in and out enabling more efficient organisation and use of space. The Big guard is used store big containers of milk and juice in the door, along with two rows of beverage cans and bottles with its deeper space. The quick cooling mode activates and blows cold air into the fridge with a temperature reaching 1°C and give you the cold beverages in 65 minutes.The Deodorizing Filter that is made of activated carbon deodorizes the unpleasant smell from dried-up spills inside the fridge and extends food life, reduces food spoilage, promotes a clean refrigerator environment and eliminates odors. Once fruits and vegetables are harvested, they naturally produce ethylene gas. This gas production escalates food ripening causing produce to spoil. Fruits and vegetables can also become contaminated with microorganisms. This Deodorizing Filter combats these issues and will help to keep your product fresh for longer in your refrigerator. The ice max offers flexible bin combination options for storing ice, and these two large capacity bins on top ensure you have plenty of ice during hot summer months or large parties.


The Samsung 415 litres RT42HAUDEGL Double Door Frost Free Smart refrigerator helps you and your family maintain a healthier, greener lifestyle while also lowering your energy bill and keeps your food items fresh for long.


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